James Derulo's


 Short story in English with Moral 

English famous short story, Short stories in English for student
Story in English 

The courtyard princess Annis breakfast hello dress bow hair brush hug princess hello Mother hello father princess Annis my daughter you are tardy again

I overslept I didn't mean to father we're tired of your excuses it's not an excuse we're making a few changes around here changes we're sending you away to school

homeschool is no longer working no don't do this to me that is no way to talk to your queen I'm sorry School Carriage will arrive tomorrow it's a school with other Royals you'll be perfectly fine

WOW well wish me luck you don't need luck you'll be wonderful pay attention in your lessons make smart choices cultivate beneficial friendships honor our family yes Mother one more thing have fun this is beautiful it's a little chilly thanks

welcome princess Annis I'm school for Royals we are thrilled to have you albeit debate in the semester thank you for having me my name is headmistress romilia this is my assistant Lee if you need anything

please come to us it's a pleasure to meet you
it's princess opal she's your guide she knows everything about this school she'll be a very useful resource it's an honor princess Annis the honor is mine here is your schedule

go I have so much to tell you and then what and then she fell over no yes I've never experienced anything like that in my life
it's because your mother and father kept

you locked in that castle all day it's time you got out and enjoyed yourself you weren't locked away goodness no I've been attending school here for almost a decade

who are they that's princess Sienna Posse
they are not to be messed with they're the princesses of gossip

what would make them want to be like that if you rule the school everyone around here will follow you we'll all inherit a throne one day and it's beneficial to have allies that been to your every will I'm running for Courtyard princess this

semester and I expect to vote from both of you what's Courtyard princess only the most important election of the school year goodness opal aren't you teaching her anything we've covered a lot but we

haven't gotten there yet well hurry up I need all the votes I can get I'd avoid her why does she want Courtyard princess so badly what does it mean immediate honor for your family and a guarantee that the school will align themselves with your Kingdom's Mission

that's huge to some come on we have a class to get to seems over here I see a spot I remember the days when this school had some dignity left they didn't just let
anyone in hello to you too Sia you don't

even know me I know you everyone here knows you you're the princess in hiding your family decided you're too good to learn at our school so they homeschooled you

well look how the mighty have fallen yeah
back off you've been at this school as long as me are you really going to stick up for her yes she's my friend

we're friends not now it's clear whose side you're on does that mean I don't have your vote I'll let you figure that out break it up lanies that's enough.

Coming soon Part 2

Best short story in English, Short story in English with moral, Short Stories in English for kids, Moral Stories in English for Kids, short stories forkids pdf, 10 lines Short Stories with moral, Short story in English with moral, English story reading



Princess story in English writing 2023

Short story in English for Kids
The Beautiful Princess Long Story in English 

The girls and the Puma deep within a lush dense forest nestled a picturesque Village that had been home to the revered OHA tribe for Generations

oh we're a month away no silly it's today let's go up the hill though hot tribes were a peaceful community known for their farming expertise in Rich culture their lands yielded Bountiful fruits and vegetables renowned around the world

however their peaceful existence was threatened as foreign Invaders arrived seeking to exploit their lands and resources
faced challenges as the tribe's way of life
hung in the balance

now amongst the OHA community there lived a girl named yerry despite the challenges faced by her community remained undeterred she was known for her adventurous spirit and friendly nature

spending most of her time exploring the woods squirrel I made some nutritious food for your little children he'll grow up well no don't thank me my grandma taught me this recipe once when Yuri was returning home from playing

she found a girl who was crying what's the matter with you love no you didn't you're almost there come with me I I'm so scared don't be scared when neary's here let's go

yerry and Clara got out of the woods in no time yerry nursed Clara's wound well and
Clara felt better instantly thank you for taking care of me what's your name I'm Yuri you my name's Clara would you like to be my friend and play with me

sure let's meet right here tomorrow as she got home she saw her mother angrily waiting for her help you oh remove it at once but mother are you feeling better quiet and freshenup

well that surely didn't affect the next day's meet as Clara made it first are we oh here now let's go Yuri and Clara were having a wonderful time they played with the squirrels the deer and the birds

Clara was surprised over how yerry communicated with the animals like snow what's that suddenly it started to rain hurry up let's find a shelter look there's a cave right there Gary and Clara went to the caves and sat there watching The Raindrops

wow you are so kind I thought villagers were scary intimidating and I heard it all from you foreigners oh you're mean you gotta reconsider what you said did you just scur at me

whoa that wasn't you Yuri and Clara turned to see something they didn't expect Clara was shaking while yerry stood cold they saw dangerous eyes in the dark not one two but three pairs of eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yuri

did you used to see what what I am seeing yes Yuri took a step towards those eyes II think you're you're mistaken the the exit is this way before Yuri took another step one of them pounced at her to her surprise it was a cub

Mr oh pups no they eat of course they do they could eat us when they grow older they want to attack us for now what's that that's a large large Puma Clara

you're really making me laugh it's over this is how it ends hey if this Puma had to eat us we would have been there dinner the moment we got here I'm sure she's not okay

oh Gary reached out to the Puma she needs medicines my uncle is here he is an expert doctor I just got some of the herbs I will smash them and feed it to her

Yuri smashed the herb she got then gave it to the Puma by then the rain had stopped and they decided to get home we're lucky you weren't the Puma's meal though anyway let's meet here again 

tomorrow onwards to keep a check on the Puma and her kids I'll get some food for the babies and just like that Yuri and Claire went to the cave and took care of the Puma and their children

they developed a deep bond with them and Claire learned a lot from yerry too how did you learn all these methods

we never learned we are a tribe know our surroundings really well Pumas deer and these trees they're all part of us wow that's wonderful Clara learned a lot about the auha culture and their way of living it fascinated her

Clara and yerry respected each other and became best friends let me prepare the medicines ooh guess who learned the uh ways hahaha

the next day when Clara was away something unfortunate happened did you see Claire around I told her to be here by lunch no

these villagers took my Clara away from me just then Clara's father came what's the matter they took our clearer away what the foreigners searched all alha's homes for Clara this infuriated the villagers

how dare you enter our homes without our permission first of all this is not your home anymore second you took our daughter to

protest that's ridiculous

she is a child she must be wandering in the woods our daughter is too soon to civilized to dilly dally in a forest  we don't have your child you do you took away my child enough we cannot bear with your nonsense

the foreigners and the tribes began to fight

give me back my daughter I told you she

 is not with us

Yuri and Clara had come back they witnessed this horrific quarrel Yuri was overwhelmed and couldn't hold back her tears

Yuri Yuri got so upset that she ran back to the cave I've never seen my home go through so much even my grandparents told me that our village was one of the most peaceful places look at it now Yuri

it took thousands of years for it I was to build this place in just one day change everything while they spoke the Puma sat there and heard the situation

pranced out of the cave in Rage and moved towards the village no don't go there Puma leapt into the chaos and roared loudly the crowd was astounded but the foreigners charged at her in fear just then stop don't lay a finger on our animals

she's right Clara what were you doing in the woods no what are we doing here in this Village ruining the community that has lived on this land since forever for our


my cherry please stay away from the Puma my friend father so is Yuri yes I did and guess what they're kind unlike what I was told they're not greedy like us and they're well wishers despite what we've done to them we cannot destroy

their lands just for some money mother because I know that if the land turns infertile we'll leave it Barren and forget everything we did no Clara we're doing this to safeguard your future

you're destroying a peaceful Village just to protect me I'm not naive to believe you anymore I know what we've done earlier and it just started to make more sense here

do you like it if someone broke your ancestral house one day and then claimed it theirs hmm no that's exactly what we're doing we're taking someone's home now you tell me

who's the bad person here there was absolute silence but the Foreigner men dropped their weapons I've got this my friend Yuri and I took care of the Puma and into the waist he healed heal her that

we can't even fathom they're doing it out of love and us we're doing it for greed I'm sorry but I stand by Claire's words me too

soon all the Foreigner men dropped their weapons and kneeled down as a single of surrender are you doing she's right honey we've been very cruel

I'm so sorry to have disappointed you Clara I was too blinded by the prophets this land brought us you shouldn't be sorry to me father it's

the aoi tribe you need to apologize to okay then it's time we apologize to the villagers who we've given so much painwe are so sorry for doing this

we'll leave you'll live in harmony and that's how the auha tribe and the foreigners made peace soon it was time for them to leave their friendship between the two

communities had grown stronger in those couple of weeks so it was quite a painful goodbye thank you for everything Clara thank you too Yuri I'm sorry to have called you names

Yuri I don't mean it not anymore at least don't bother Miss I'll make sure to get her every year to meet you really yay and as promised she brought Claire there  every year

and the girls met and played together The auhas Village was back to how it was and for puma and her children

they visited the village every now and then upon yerry's request the villagers made them a beautiful home to stay in 

Welcome to our village dear Pumas let me escort you to your five-star hotel room the villagers took care of them very well and fed them delicious food the

Pumas lived harmoniously with them and happily ever after

The End 

Top 10 New Stories 2023 

You Must read in English, Here is list Top 10 Interested stories in English

1. Fairy Prince and  Princess Story

The dragon princess Far Far Away in a kingdom near the Eastern Sea there was a young leader King Ethan King Ethan was coronated at very young age

2.  The Cruise ship travel Story 

Gattu Chinki had traveled on land travelled in the air but poor guttu had never traveled on water dad you took us in a train made us travel in an aeroplane but the experience on ship is still missing.

3. The Interesting Story of snake                   Princess Story

Once Upon a sunny day a certain kingdom was bursting with celebration their beloved princess was getting married Elaine was known for her beauty.

4. The Beautiful Princess long Story

The Princess Prince a long time ago there lived a king with two daughters he used to be strong and powerful but now

5. Short Stories of Kings and Queens

King's advisor Chico was one such person and one by one the maidens and queens began to introduce themselves true love king and queen so interesting story

6. Short Princess Story in English

Princess oh well this isn't so bad maybe if I apply a little bit on my nose it won't look um your highness the queen wants to see you you know you really need a little bit of color in your hair

7. Prince and Princess interested Story in 2023

Charming, good morning father, ah father what are you doing? well it is morning I thought to ask if you were able to make time for meeting the princes who are so eager to meet with you maybe you will meet your Prince charming.

8. Bedtime Story for Kids Karate

Karate class mummy Papa observed that for the past few days gattu and chinki were not utilizing their time properly.

9.The Mermaid and the Prince

The mermaid and the prince once upon a time a royal ship was lost in the middle of a great storm king ranon and his crew tried their best to set themselves free

10. Horror Story in English 

Highway we should always help others but we must also keep in mind that the person you are helping does he really need help or does he have some plans on the pretext of helping so that your life gets in danger,

The Interesting Story of Beautiful Princess and snake Princess Story in English.

The beautiful princess story for kids
What is the story of snake princess?

What are the best princess story?

Once Upon a sunny day a certain kingdom was bursting with celebration their beloved princess was getting married Elaine was known for her beauty which would Captivate and melt the toughest of hearts

so of course when the time had come she picked the most handsome prince oh, stunning her highness's beauty is blinding

sink in a few moments I'll be married

the prince is here oh, my goodness oh my good oh, ouch, your highness ow that really huh, my face  Elaine looked at her reflection in horror across her face was a tiny scar

says, it's really nothing nothing it's my wedding day and I've got this disaster on my face I feel so Dreadful oh only my beloved can console me

she ran to meet her prince my beloved you look so what's that on your face it's a it's a scar  can't marry you now Elaine was stung by his words you can't mean that of course I do you aren't the most beautiful princess anymore,

I'm canceling this marriage with that the prince left heartbroken Elaine rushed away in despair,

How did this happen?

all because of the scar the garden was a sacred one and had belonged to the royal family for Generations it housed a group of spirits that now Rose to help Elaine poor child maybe if we take away the scar blah will that do you you're the spirits that help and guard my family I know of you

we know you too Elaine ever since you were a baby and now even with this heartbreak forget about him plenty of fish in the sea no I'm done with love love that wasn't love does he know about your other amazing qualities like how you adore bugs or your terrible dancing skills ugh these qualities belong to the real you

then behind of Assad if he loved you he'd love your flaws your scars I don't care I'm done with people Spirits please turn me into a snake yes a snake what we couldn't I want this please

the spirits looked at each other helplessly with heavy hearts they let their magic flow but one of the spirits chanted under her breath unnoticed in an instant

Elaine turned into a snake oh this is how I will look Forevers goodbye my dear family my friends and you my dearest Spirits she left them slithering away oh dear I wish we hadn't done that give it time she may just be able to break it herself.

what do you mean?

a small secret Elaine's new body felt odd she moved rather slowly by evening she had reached a small Lake what now will I have to stay out here in the wild what will I eat Elaine rested upon a small rock a few insects settled themselves on her for even as a snake her kind nature drew them to her

now as she rested a man spotted her

was awestruck at the strange phenomenon all those insects on that snake and it isn't even bothered as he moved closer  he Lane shook with fright

who's there what a talking snake how?

dare you mommy Lane a princess you don't look like one Oh you mean a snake princess? yes I mean no I mean hug Elaine told the man everything 

so now I don't know what to do?

oh dear, you stayed with me if you want um no I wouldn't want to cause you or your family any trouble oh well my home is in the next Kingdom

close to it in a forest there's an abandoned shed you could live there Elaine liked this idea and accepted his offer they galloped away under the evening sky by the way 

what's your name? it's Jeffrey

Jeffrey reached the shed and placed Elaine on his jacket exhausted she curled up and went to sleep from then on Jeffrey would visit Elaine regularly arms Laden with gifts to Jeffrey 

I don't know what I would have done without you? but you don't need to spend all your time with me that's okay I like spending time with you you're my bestie use yeah my snake bestie stop no we're just friends my just friends snake bestie

Elaine and Jeffrey would explore the forest quite often Elaine soon began to have fun oh I haven't had this much fun in Forever hmm

you play Muse sick I your Royal hissiness am a man of many talents oh I love this song Elaine began to wiggle to the tune and Jeffrey watched her with Fascination

oh don't stop you look so happy his words took Elaine by surprise she noticed that Jeffrey had shifted himself quite far from her

why are you sitting there well I don't really like bugs Elaine hadn't noticed the swarm of insects that had surrounded her dragonflies ladybugs caterpillars do you think it's strange for a princess to like such things nope I don't I feel being your true self is an absolute accomplishment

Elaine was happy hearing this she slithered closer to Jeffrey who now looked worried what's wrong my kingdom is being terrorized by Bandits they robbed the people in the night and leave them frightened oh how terrible

you are I'm sure if something turns up he'll do your part I'm right here if you need me bathing steaks need all the solar power they can get till we fully charged for anything even Bandits the days pass by and that

you got to know each other quite well one night however the shed door flew open Elaine heard footsteps and hid no one's here the soldiers ruined our last hideout

our plan to capture the king must be thorough they're the bandits Jeffrey was talking about he must be the leader Elaine listened silently as they made their plans good or what no mistakes tomorrow IS the day we get rich

when they left Elaine was in a panic she didn't know where Jeffrey lived and so she waited until the morning when he entered she left at him whoa there happy to see your Bandits no

it's bestie no listen Elaine told Jeffrey about the night's happenings we must leave immediately come where are you taking me

galloped through the kingdom streets

Elaine peeped out of Jeffrey's bag and saw that they were nearing the Kingdom's Palace wait Jeff that's the palace we can't enter there why not I can enter my own home can't I you're home you're the Prince why didn't you tell me you never asked

Jeffy went straight to his parents mother father we may have found a way to defeat the bandits defeat the bandits who's the king and queen screamed when their

son Drew a huge snake out of his bag huh hello meet my bestie Jeffrey explained everything to his astonished parents an enchanted princess oh my well let's hear what she has to say

Elaine spoke about the bandits and how they plan to infiltrate the palace not on our watch we'll inform the guards at once thank you Elaine that night the bandits came and snuck into the palace the leader tried finding the king's Chambers

aha, he's not here well the palace is huge so I just used another room oh dear did I ruin your plans I'll get you guards what no this is the end for you no more terrorizing my people

however in another part of the palace Jeffrey was fighting some Bandits and had dropped Elaine being a snake Elaine couldn't see clearly she could only feel through sound and vibrations

Jeffrey where are oh a snake get away from me Jeffrey's, Elaine, Jeffrey why did you do that whether a snake a princess or even a bug you are someone important to me you are

someone I genuinely love with those words Elaine's enchantment broke and she returned back to her normal self the shocked Bandits charged but Elaine was a skilled swordsman she defeated them easily don't mess with me

amazing the bandits were all locked up and the next day a huge celebration begun but soon after Elaine returned home everyone was overjoyed to see her oh princess promise I shall never disappear like that again

I promise Elaine was still mystified by her disenchantment and so sought out the

spirits hmm I made a small tweak in enchantment that if someone would tell you they loved you for you

the spell would break love always exists Elaine you just have to be brave enough to find it thank you a lot did you find out what you wanted I found more than that

you know I didn't disclose my Royal identity as most people only want me for my title you're the first one that actually likes me for me

I don't just like you I love you in time as our love grew stronger the couple married each other people aren't meant to be perfect flaws exist and they are the scars to Perfection something that doesn't exist

so wear your scars with pride as they are what make you not perfect but in imperfectly Beautiful You

The End

The princess story in english with moralThe princess story in english pdfPrincess story writingPrincess story readingThe beautiful princess short story
Princess bedtime stories pdfPrincess Story in HindiShort Princess stories with MoralFairy Princess story book, Short Princess StoryPrincess bedtime stories for girlfriendShort story about Prince and Princess

 Short Story King and Queen in English

Once upon a time there was a king and queen short story
Short king Stories with Fairy Tales 

Once upon a cloud in the sky up above Jupiter you have been arrogant and rude you think beauty is everything your pride will be the Doom of the celestials and I will not let that happen I command

you to go to the planet of humans and return only when you learn the true meaning of love but hurry away Jupiter before I lose my patience now oh, meet King ephiam the fearless leader of the empire of Scion talk who is well a little excited today

aha today's the day I'm sire if you could just stay still sire why so sad today's the day Tiana today is the day King ephiam was happy for today was the most important day of his life it was the Queen's ceremony for today King

ephiam was to choose a bride to marry and make queen of the empire of Scion talk, um, sire, the woman to be your wife but the woman you choose has to choose you back oh,

look at these beautiful women in our Palace Tiana they have already chosen me Tiana was one of the closest aides for the king he valued her judgment but along with King ephiam's success came those who were always jealous of him

King's advisor Chico was one such person and one by one the maidens and queens began to introduce themselves oh I can sew and juggle and and so oh I am the most intelligent princess around do you

know what is 2A plus 3B oh, um wait I knew the answer to this huh oh my king my dear dear King you are the most handsome man I have ever met tell me oh tell me my king how are you so handsome oh

Tiana they are all so beautiful and so talented how do I choose one I mean I cannot marry more than one beautiful Maiden can I sire there can only be one Queen and it will not be fair upon the others

I knew that how about the maiden who can sew well sire it is all we knew about her that she can sew because she repeated it twice but you cannot choose your wife based on

beauty you have to get to know her and love her for who she is you're esteemed Majesty if I may haven't you heard about Mr Doodle's beautiful daughter excuse me oh

pardon me but that's what the town's people call Mr doodle he lives on the other end of our Empire and it seems he has a mesmerizing daughter he does well then what are we waiting for send for Mr doodle and his daughter at once

as Mr doodle arrived with his daughter Polly King ephiam could not take his eyes away from her I am pleased to meet you my beautiful Maiden dire I am most honored that you have invited my daughter for the Queen's

ceremony but I am afraid that she would not make for a fit Queen you she has traits of a hen and I will marry her sire are you sure absolutely but of course she has to

choose me back do I do I love my daughter your majesty but you have to understand that her Natural Instincts are that of a hen and they will never change for instance whenever she sees corn she will give in to her

Natural Instincts and pick the corn I understand that she has her own personality and I accept her with all my heart it was the most unusual marriage

oh, leaves gifts for me King ephiam began to fall deeper and deeper in love with his Queen so much that King ephiam forgot about being a king and was only the husband to his beautiful wife the hand traits of

his Queen seemed not to bother the king at all but jiko was watching nevertheless and so were all the maidens who felt rejected and neglected they were so jealous of the new queen that they named her the hen Queen like a hen haven't you heard her

cockadoodle do oh I work in this Palace and I have heard some say that the king Mary the Hang Queen because he hated keeping an alarm clock cock-a-doodle-doo I well sadly King ephiam has fallen so

deeply for his wife that he fails to see how different she is there's only some way to make the king see the consequences of his actions there is

hatched a plan to embarrass the king and the Queen a few days later Tiana who was happy for the king suggested that he throw a party in honor of the new Queen Chico and the Maiden had found their opportunity they thought that since it

was suggested by Tiana herself no one would doubt them but Tiana always doubted jiko the party was Grand there was food and entertainment many noblemen came to greet the new Queen

but when all had settled down and King ephiam was about to make a toast to his newly wedded wife the helper of the palace came in with a basket of corn and

tripped all the corn from the basket was scattered on the floor and without thinking
the Kings and rulers of the kingdoms and Empires could not hold any longer

King ephiam loved his wife but he could not get over the humiliation he sent his love back out of sheer embarrassment Queen Polly returned to her home

days passed and the King ached for his wife he lost interest in his Royal duties and always set alone in the dark seeing his pain Tiana approached him and told the king about the conspiracy played by jiko and the maidens

what they will pay for plotting against the palace oh Tiana but that doesn't change the fact that I betrayed my wife's trust how could I do that to her it wasn't her fault sire if your love is as pure as the

Queen's heart she will forgive you the next morning there was a knock on Mr Doodle's door your majesty quack quack I am here to see my wife what are you doing I am here to show how perfect we are for each other if you're

the hen queen I am King duck the effium quack quack you are embarrassing yourself my love I've made a mistake I failed to accept

you knowing who you are and how you have always been I know now that our habits are what makes us unique your habits are not flaws they make you

you and you are a generous queen and a beautiful person I love all of you with all of me Queen Polly will you accept my love just then Tiana was picked up in the air what's happening Tiana and to everybody's surprise

Tiana was transformed into the celestial Prince Jupiter what is happening I turn into a duck and you turn into a man King ephiam I am Prince Jupiter of the celestial realm I made a mistake and was

banished from my Palace centuries ago looking for true meaning of love I roam the world and finally have found it the unconditional acceptance of king ephiam and queen Paulie is truly what love is I can now return in peace return but I will miss my advisor

can you free of deer we all love our homes and so much Prince Jupiter you served your duty to see on talk well Tiana uh I mean Jupiter I ache to have my dear friend leave but I wish you all

the best and I promise I will never forget you I will never forget you either dear friend Jupiter was welcomed back in his realm with love and respect and back on Earth

Queen Polly was given her rightful place and so were others jiko was for instance demoted from his position and made it stable and as for the maiden she was

given the job of picking all the corn from all the fields of the Empire and they all lived happily ever after well almost all

The End 

Short Stories in English to read, Moral Stories in English pdf, Long story in English
10 lines Short Stories with moral, English Story for Kids, English short stories for beginners

 Fairy Prince and  Princess Story

The princess and the dragon story

Click here Part 01 

No, no you will never get away with this I already have we have to get the stone back Supreme has to regain his power no something doesn't add up the horn was

to defeat the Red Dragon we don't have much time King let's go Dragon princess swam with King Ethan on her back to the other side of the Eastern Sea

where her father was kept by The Red Dragon they saw the Supreme in a cage sprang into action to release him I have to tell you something daughter something I should have told you a long while back no time father let's go

what is happening here now, now daughter ah princess no wait she has to rise to her true strength what do you mean it is not where the dragon stone is it is who

my daughter the dragon princess is the dragon Stone what it was all becoming clear now so that's why the red dragon wanted to capture my kingdom because of the unicorns

the horn touched by a unicorn was the only object that could open the chest of the Dragon princess the horn was never supposed to defeat the Red Dragon

it was supposed to bring me to her until the dragon princess lived the Palace of the Supreme Dragon could not be defeated

only she can defeat the Red Dragon wake up my daughter and fulfill your destiny I will capture the world and nothing can stop me

do I am alive my people will not suffer red dragon I condemn you to the black Seas peace was restored on the land as well as back in the sea

Supreme Dragon took his rightful place and the magic current was back the chosen ones would often visit the Supreme and for the dragon princess well it was just the beginning of self - discovery.

The End 

  Princess Story Reading

Story in English
Interesting story of Price and dragon in English

Click here Part 01

Once the horn was prepared King Ethan went with the old fisherman and his Council to the point where the magical current was once there

you are on your own from here sire only you have the blessing to breathe underwater even you the blessing worked as soon as he jumped in Ethan was told to swim deep

till he finds the veil of turtles the old fisherman asked me to chase the bale of turtles being tired King Ethan held on to the leg of a large turtle and surprisingly the turtle took him right

to the Palace wow these dragons are more skilled than us humans look at the architecture I must request a few dragons to help decorate my Palace

what was that must be the dragon's Army prepping for the War I what then realize that the ancestral horn was being attracted to something wait

the stones are shining maybe these are signs for me to follow behind the palace King Ethan saw a small room as he swam inside he saw a huge engraved chest with a strange marking right at the center

huh wait this is so strange what the chest floated up with the horn and up straight and out she came wait it cannot be oh my God here's in a chest

how rude he could have at least had a bigger chest to hold the dragon princess don't you think oh hello there tiny human oh I mean King Ethan she knows me ah but of course I know you I knew that the one who would release me would be the young king Ethan

you can hear my thoughts what of course yes I can hear your thoughts and right now I want you to get your thoughts straight quickly so you can catch me up to speed on

what's Happening oh well um I mean um will um we are not getting any younger you know right okay red dragon I dreamed that he is summoning an army to attack my kingdom

hmm but he has the Dragonstone why would he need your kingdom now the Dragonstone yes the Dragonstone is the most powerful object for us I never saw it but my father always knew about it

you see I can take shape of any living entity and survive out of water I had respectful relations with your ancestors I taught them a lot of rituals and the Art of combat

I brought your father down here once and the Supreme Dragon I believe told him about the dragon Stone your father was a dignified and trustworthy man

but red dragon was shrewd he misused magic to disguise himself as a friendly dragon and tricked your father into telling him where the dragon Stone was oh Father

 The Dragon Prince 

Story in English
Interesting Story the Prince and Dragon

The dragon princess Far Far Away in a kingdom near the Eastern Sea there was a young leader King Ethan King Ethan was coronated at very young age

but the young king had a quality that most Royals lacked your majesty you cannot be making your own bed ah well I have two functioning hands and two functioning legs don't I um uh

hush now one must always fight his own battles and do his own chores whenever possible was one of the important to let that our young king preached and followed

but what no one knew is that on the night of his coronation King Ethan saw a dream rise my comrades it is time ever since then for three continuous nights King Ethan dreamed of the same Dragon every single night

on the fourth morning King Ethan decided to summon his wise counsel no sire this is not just a threat and definitely not just a dream it is our ancestors warning you about the coming Doom Doom

there is a legend sire Mama more of a tale which we never took seriously up till now the oldest fisherman of our kingdom talks about a magical current in the past days

that would take him deep underwater to the Palace of the Supreme dragon he says that the Supreme and his daughter were the dragons and were very hospitable but a few years back the current was suddenly gone

why the fisherman has a theory sire and it is not a good one I believe it was the red dragon Shire that you are being warned of when I met the Supreme

he talked about his enemy and how he wanted to conquer the Eastern Sea I believe the red dragon has finally done it how do we stop him sadly we cannot

only she can but I believe she is gone who the dragon princess she was the most beautiful being I ever met strong yet gentle and kind until the dragon princess lived the Palace of the Supreme Dragon could not be defeated

but if the Red Dragon is Rose to power to summon his army it means that the dragon princess is long gone only she could stop him huh no there's always a way if my ancestors are warning me then this is

not the Doom it is a battle and they want me to stay prepared laughs I want every information on this red dragon read every book talk to everyone he must have a weakness and fisherman sir you will be my guide you will take me to the magic current

but sire if the magic card is gone then you would not be able to breathe leave that to me sire I am aware of an old ritual that will awaken the blessings of your ancestors I am sure they will provide every assistance

the wise Council worked day and night was too Aha and finally found the dragon's weakness ancestral horn touched by a unicorn and so it was done

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 Short Story in English with Moral

Short story in English with moral
swimming class

After the school prayer was over the principal announced from now on you will have weekly hobby classes it will be compulsory for you to participate in a game every Saturday okay sir all the children will have to

maintain decorum in the swimming class and there will be a specific dress code too those students who will prove themselves to be the best in these classes will be sent to participate at the state and National level on behalf of the school

kids started applauding happily after reaching home gattu says mommy you will have to buy us swimming costumes from now on we will be having swimming classes as hobby classes every Saturday how that's very nice swimming is really good for the health

it makes your muscles strong but was standing with a sad face it's like she was not at all excited for the swimming class what happened dear why are you so quiet you don't look happy you will also need

swimming costumes right Mommy I am scared of water I will drown in the water for sure mommy give me some excuse I don't want to join swimming classes

why dear you should never be scared if you were scared of something then face it otherwise you will never overcome this fear oh Mommy I don't want to swim what if I drown mummy starts laughing after

hearing this you will be all right there will be some experts to teach you go get ready we will get to the market after Papa arrives and buy swimming costumes for

you after some time Papa returns from the office and they all go to the market yes Mommy I also like this dress Mommy like this dress too so both of them bought their swimming costumes and then they tried them at home

it was Saturday and was trying very hard to take leave from the school Mommy I have a headache can I take a leave no excuses going to work drinky go

to school and face your fear I'm sure you will be a great swimmer one day then gattu started teasing Jinky scared cat scared cat don't tease her like this today she will continue to be scared

take care of her in the class after practicing for few days everything will be all right okay mommy both of them reach their school after the regular classes were over all kids reached the swimming area

welcome class first of all go and change into your swimming costumes there is a changing room in the back all changed their dresses and come back the color of your dress is so nice your dress is beautiful too goody the

teacher asked them to stand in a queue the most important thing for swimming is controlling your breath and the reason for it is if you have to stay for a long period in the water you will not have

any problem in breathing for this you have to practice pranayama which you were taught in yoga classes today you will go into the pool and stay in it for a few minutes

then an assistant came and taught the kids to tie swim Tire to them all the kids jumped into the water one by one but was standing on the edge due to fear what happened

why are you not going in I am scared teacher why are you scared nothing will happen you have tied a tire to yourself you can go in without worrying and my assistant will also keep an eye on all of you

her friends were also asking her to jump in don't be scared we are all here for you yes stinky don't worry you will like this please come into the pool come please gattu comes
out of the water and then talks to come on I will come with you there is nothing scary Just Close Your Eyes got to holds chinky's hands

and takes her to the pool the water is so cold now I will let go of your hand very slowly and you can open your eyes slowly without any fear when opens her eyes everyone was clapping for her is very happy too the teacher

says didn't I tell you you should not be scared you are feeling good right yes teacher so that's it for today don't forget to practice pranayama for this whole week for your lungs okay teacher the whole week kids watched

swimming videos on YouTube This Time was the first one to go into the water other kids were happy to see this teacher says today you will learn how to kick your legs and how the hands have to move okay teacher now all the kids have to go

from this end to that end let's see who comes first all the kids try to do that wow you are doing very good so this way the swimming classes continued every Saturday and learned to swim very well and faster than all the other kids

you have overcome your fear and you have done your best so we have decided that you should also be included in the team of four people which will participate in the inter-school

competition and second place goes to Bunty all the kids started clapping Mommy I got selected in school level competition see I told you right you will be a great swimmer one day you have faced your fear do you know mummy she was scared to jump in the pool on the first day

he is teacher told me that but today she's a winner so as I say always do the things that you are scared to do and you will overcome the fear and Jinky rushes to mummy and hugs her mommy.


10 lines Short Stories with moral, Story for kids in english with moral for competition, Story in English with Moral, Short story in English with moral, Moral Stories in English pdf, Short story with moral, Good moral stories, Long story in English with Moral,
Short Moral Stories for Kids
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