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Story for Kids in English with Moral for competition's - Story in English with Moral

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 Short Story in English with Moral

Short story in English with moral
swimming class

After the school prayer was over the principal announced from now on you will have weekly hobby classes it will be compulsory for you to participate in a game every Saturday okay sir all the children will have to

maintain decorum in the swimming class and there will be a specific dress code too those students who will prove themselves to be the best in these classes will be sent to participate at the state and National level on behalf of the school

kids started applauding happily after reaching home gattu says mommy you will have to buy us swimming costumes from now on we will be having swimming classes as hobby classes every Saturday how that's very nice swimming is really good for the health

it makes your muscles strong but was standing with a sad face it's like she was not at all excited for the swimming class what happened dear why are you so quiet you don't look happy you will also need

swimming costumes right Mommy I am scared of water I will drown in the water for sure mommy give me some excuse I don't want to join swimming classes

why dear you should never be scared if you were scared of something then face it otherwise you will never overcome this fear oh Mommy I don't want to swim what if I drown mummy starts laughing after

hearing this you will be all right there will be some experts to teach you go get ready we will get to the market after Papa arrives and buy swimming costumes for

you after some time Papa returns from the office and they all go to the market yes Mommy I also like this dress Mommy like this dress too so both of them bought their swimming costumes and then they tried them at home

it was Saturday and was trying very hard to take leave from the school Mommy I have a headache can I take a leave no excuses going to work drinky go

to school and face your fear I'm sure you will be a great swimmer one day then gattu started teasing Jinky scared cat scared cat don't tease her like this today she will continue to be scared

take care of her in the class after practicing for few days everything will be all right okay mommy both of them reach their school after the regular classes were over all kids reached the swimming area

welcome class first of all go and change into your swimming costumes there is a changing room in the back all changed their dresses and come back the color of your dress is so nice your dress is beautiful too goody the

teacher asked them to stand in a queue the most important thing for swimming is controlling your breath and the reason for it is if you have to stay for a long period in the water you will not have

any problem in breathing for this you have to practice pranayama which you were taught in yoga classes today you will go into the pool and stay in it for a few minutes

then an assistant came and taught the kids to tie swim Tire to them all the kids jumped into the water one by one but was standing on the edge due to fear what happened

why are you not going in I am scared teacher why are you scared nothing will happen you have tied a tire to yourself you can go in without worrying and my assistant will also keep an eye on all of you

her friends were also asking her to jump in don't be scared we are all here for you yes stinky don't worry you will like this please come into the pool come please gattu comes
out of the water and then talks to come on I will come with you there is nothing scary Just Close Your Eyes got to holds chinky's hands

and takes her to the pool the water is so cold now I will let go of your hand very slowly and you can open your eyes slowly without any fear when opens her eyes everyone was clapping for her is very happy too the teacher

says didn't I tell you you should not be scared you are feeling good right yes teacher so that's it for today don't forget to practice pranayama for this whole week for your lungs okay teacher the whole week kids watched

swimming videos on YouTube This Time was the first one to go into the water other kids were happy to see this teacher says today you will learn how to kick your legs and how the hands have to move okay teacher now all the kids have to go

from this end to that end let's see who comes first all the kids try to do that wow you are doing very good so this way the swimming classes continued every Saturday and learned to swim very well and faster than all the other kids

you have overcome your fear and you have done your best so we have decided that you should also be included in the team of four people which will participate in the inter-school

competition and second place goes to Bunty all the kids started clapping Mommy I got selected in school level competition see I told you right you will be a great swimmer one day you have faced your fear do you know mummy she was scared to jump in the pool on the first day

he is teacher told me that but today she's a winner so as I say always do the things that you are scared to do and you will overcome the fear and Jinky rushes to mummy and hugs her mommy.


10 lines Short Stories with moral, Story for kids in english with moral for competition, Story in English with Moral, Short story in English with moral, Moral Stories in English pdf, Short story with moral, Good moral stories, Long story in English with Moral,
Short Moral Stories for Kids
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