James Derulo's


The Beautiful Prince and Princess long Story in English - stories in English

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  Princess Story Reading

Story in English
Interesting story of Price and dragon in English

Click here Part 01

Once the horn was prepared King Ethan went with the old fisherman and his Council to the point where the magical current was once there

you are on your own from here sire only you have the blessing to breathe underwater even you the blessing worked as soon as he jumped in Ethan was told to swim deep

till he finds the veil of turtles the old fisherman asked me to chase the bale of turtles being tired King Ethan held on to the leg of a large turtle and surprisingly the turtle took him right

to the Palace wow these dragons are more skilled than us humans look at the architecture I must request a few dragons to help decorate my Palace

what was that must be the dragon's Army prepping for the War I what then realize that the ancestral horn was being attracted to something wait

the stones are shining maybe these are signs for me to follow behind the palace King Ethan saw a small room as he swam inside he saw a huge engraved chest with a strange marking right at the center

huh wait this is so strange what the chest floated up with the horn and up straight and out she came wait it cannot be oh my God here's in a chest

how rude he could have at least had a bigger chest to hold the dragon princess don't you think oh hello there tiny human oh I mean King Ethan she knows me ah but of course I know you I knew that the one who would release me would be the young king Ethan

you can hear my thoughts what of course yes I can hear your thoughts and right now I want you to get your thoughts straight quickly so you can catch me up to speed on

what's Happening oh well um I mean um will um we are not getting any younger you know right okay red dragon I dreamed that he is summoning an army to attack my kingdom

hmm but he has the Dragonstone why would he need your kingdom now the Dragonstone yes the Dragonstone is the most powerful object for us I never saw it but my father always knew about it

you see I can take shape of any living entity and survive out of water I had respectful relations with your ancestors I taught them a lot of rituals and the Art of combat

I brought your father down here once and the Supreme Dragon I believe told him about the dragon Stone your father was a dignified and trustworthy man

but red dragon was shrewd he misused magic to disguise himself as a friendly dragon and tricked your father into telling him where the dragon Stone was oh Father

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