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Story for Kids Karate with Moral - Bedtime Story for Kids Karate

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 Short Story for Kids Karate

Story for Kids Karate with Moral
Karate Class Uniform 

Karate class mummy Papa observed that for the past few days gattu and chinki were not utilizing their time properly so finally one day Papa said to get to chinke got to I have been

observing for a while you have a lot of free time but you are not utilizing it properly what do you mean by that Papa means you should learn something when you have free time but Papa what we can do in this spare time well I think both of you should join karate classes

recently I saw that new Karate classes have opened near our house yes that's a very good idea you both will be active and you will become stronger too what but why Papa oh why do we even need to join the karate classes yes Mommy Papa

it doesn't sound like a fun at all playing at home will be better than going to karate classes you guys have to learn how to utilize

your time properly this attitude won't work that day we stopped the discussion at that point but the next day also mummy and papa asked gattu and to join the karate classes again get to and

tried to give many excuses to avoid joining that class mommy today we got a lot of homework so today I can't go to the classes yes Mommy I also have to complete my school project it is not possible for me also in this way one

week passed but gattu never ran out of excuses finally Papa and mummy tried to explain get to and once again kids why you don't want to go to karate

class what is the real problem Mommy we

don't feel like going to karate classes we

think that we will get bored in that class it is not true do you guys even know

what the benefits of learning karate are what benefits what benefits Papa children be karate or any other form of martial art you will get to learn many

things from it it will teach you discipline and you will become strong and not only that your body will become more flexible gattu and were listening to Papa carefully apart from it hat it will also give you strength

you guys will get many benefits from learning karate do one thing you guys watch 24 movies based on Karate what is karate so special that some movies are also made on the

topic of course karate is a very special martial art and people are learning and using it since ancient times yes kids in earlier times it was very important to learn such martial arts even people living normal life also

learn this art you guys will see after learning this art you will be more confident all right mummy Papa if you insist so much then we will join the karate classes yes go to is right we will

definitely give it a try for 2-3 days and then we will tell you how we feel about going to the karate classes all and now and get a free rakhi next day papa took the admission for ghetto and to a

nearby karate class and he also bought karate uniforms for both of them got ready

you look so funny in this uniform you are also looking very funny surely

wow you guys look like professional karate students in this uniform all the best and enjoy your first karate class A lot thank you so much Mommy oh look

there are so many kids in the class I never thought that there will be so many children over here and many kids are even younger than us

does people really like learning karate so much I'm already feeling excited seeing all this yes stinky me too I don't know how will we perform today then get to chinki's karate teacher came

over there and he explained the basics of karate to them then he made them do some exercises then a trained student came and according to his teacher's command he broke the board into two

parts kattu and were impressed after some time the classes were over and papa came to pick them up so kids how was your first karate class did you guys enjoy the class Papa there

were so many kids in the class a karate teacher is very strict and disciplined and do you remember the kid that broke the board I am still very impressed with it

I also want to do it oh yes you know Papa one student broke a wooden board very easily he was really very strong that's nothing good to if you regularly attend karate classes then you will also be able to do it

what really papa we will really became that strong Papa of course dear you just have to attend the classes regularly so will you go yes papa we will definitely go I also want to be that strong Papa

was very happy after hearing that gattu and are finally enjoying their karate classes after going home they also told mummy about what happened in the class and they also agreed to

regularly attend the class without giving any excuses very good to see I didn't tell you that you will really enjoy going to karate classes yes Mommy we enjoyed it a lot yes Mommy we really like it very much foreign.

The End

Story for Kids Karate with Moral - Bedtime Story for Kids Karate, Moral Stories in English for Kids, Short story in English with moralEnglish story readingStory for kids to read5 lines Short Stories with moral,
Short Moral Stories for Kids
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