James Derulo's


The Cruise ship travel Story in English - Best luxury Cruise ship Story for Kids in English 2023

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 Short Story about Ship

Short story about a ship in a storm
Short story about ship

Gattu Chinki had traveled on land travelled in the air but poor guttu had never traveled on water dad you took us in a train made us travel in an aeroplane but the experience on ship is still missing dad smiled and said

son you are too young now i am a grown man still i haven't traveled in a ship till now traveling on water no way i am afraid of water look kids your mother is afraid of water

tell me then how can we travel day and night sitting in a cruise hearing this poor guttu chinky's eyes filled with water days passed by like this gattuchinki forgot about travelling in water and one day when both of them returned from school

their parents gave them an explosive news
no no not the real explosion then what was it see for yourself children for the next four days none of us will walk eat sleep or do anything on the ground poor worriedly asked

what's the matter dad what are you talking about are you okay i haven't gone crazy but now i might yes because we are going to travel on the sea hearing this

gatu could not believe their ears what are you saying did we hear something wrong you heard it right we are going to travel on the sea by sitting in a luxurious cruise for four days

hearing this guttu started dancing and while dancing they hugged their father mom smiled and said what did you thought we don't desire to travel on the water with you actually

dad didn't had the budget so i made an excuse that i'm scared but now that dad has the budget now i am not afraid of water at all we will all go on a cruise and enjoy the journey on water yay and the day had come for which

gatuchinki were eagerly waiting the next morning gatochenki reached the port in a taxi a few hours before the boarding time katuchinki were on the station of ships

that is the port for the first time the port was huge there were small ships and hundreds of people it was really fun now we will reach the cruise by sitting in the bus of our cruise company then

all four sat in a bus and the bus dropped them in the front of a cruise the cruise was huge so huge that it was not able to contain
the tiny eyes of gattu

gatu was very excited but seeing the cruise started feeling a bit nervous i am really scared sun cruise means a luxurious floating hotel look you are scared now but you will forget everything as soon as you go

inside and the same thing happened when gatu mom dad and many others started traveling on the cruise it seemed that they had all come to a world which is very beautiful and very rich the entire interior inside the cruise

the deck the rooms everything was as if it was a view of a five-star hotel wow what a delight not just four days i can spend the rest of my life here our room

has an ocean view come follow me i will show you a miracle saying this dad pulled a curtain and then a beautiful view of the ocean was visible from the glass

everyone got immersed in that site suddenly everyone started shaking as if there was an earthquake earthquake earthquake gattu you forgot we are standing on water not on land

and this is not an earthquake the cruise is rocking because our journey has begun
yay now that the journey of the cruise had

started everyone sitting quietly in their room was something next to impossible everyone came out of their room and started wandering and enjoying the cruise

there were many decks in the cruise gatuchinki were watching the open view of the sea on different decks with their parents

the blue water of the sea was all around it was evening the cool cold strong wind was touching the waves and tickling got too

everything was open there was no trace of land anywhere there was also a swimming pool on the cruiser in which some people were having fun there were too many fun elements too

then it was night and the brightness of the cruise increased even more the lights were twinkling all around on the cruise

and the deep black water on the sea was all around it then mom and dad came to the inner world of the cruise along with gatuchinki

there was a huge hotel everyone had dinner together the food was really tasty and versatile then everyone went to the theater i just came to know today that ships have theaters too everyone enjoyed the dance

and music program in the theater then dad showed everyone other parts of the cruise including the gym library shopping mall and more seeing all this it seems like it is not a cruise it is a fish traveling in the

stomach of the ocean and this wonderful world is inhabited in its stomach on hearing this dad said now come on i want to show you something very interesting

then dad again brought everyone to such a deck from where the front view of the sea was looking huge dad you brought us here to show what don't say anything just keep looking all around gatou started looking

around peacefully then suddenly gatu shouted hey look there's a dolphin white silvery bright dolphins were jumping all over the dark deep water of

the ocean and were disappearing back into the water it seemed like they were jumping to welcome gatuchinki on the cruise and the cruise was making its way moving through those dolphins moving ahead.

The End 

Travel story in english, Travel story for students, Travel story examples, Travel story writing, My travel story
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