James Derulo's


Short Story Princess in English - The Beautiful Princess Short Story

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 Princess Story Reading 

The prince story in english
Princess Eileena and Prince

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Part 02 continue

I have to tend to Eileena beyond the seven islands per captive force her to marry he doesn't agree by the end of the year I will
she got away whatever you do do not pursue her for the moment you reached the lake the spirit of the Jungle will not spare you

the princess wrote off and finally reached the emperor your highness my father the king of fertile has as per your treaty sent me as your servant for 10 years

ah join my other pages the prince has lived and worked like the other princess who had been made servants by the emperor I'm just a lazy man like him win Wars especially against someone as Brave as my father

he doesn't go to war he simply sends his best commanders and US pages foreign ER the love of my life whosoever tells me the whereabouts of my eye lina

I shall set free Alina held captive beyond the Beyond oh how do you know that my travels have taught me a lot your highness very well then you go get her back but she is the love of your life

else I shall increase your sentence to
20 years of servitude princess went to consult with her wise horse the genius goes home every night and that is when we must reach and this is how this I will go

the princess sailed off in one of the shifts along with her horse when she got to the island beyond the seven islands she pretended to be a merchant and took with her a bag of the most beautiful collection of things

foreign and I explores the different lands Zoo sell my goods there is no customer here for you go away oops so I am sorry zai Zhao laughs go inside the palace and meet princess Eileen the go

you saw his Wares our Master the genius has been trying to impress princess Eileen for a long time now maybe if he buys her these precious things she might be pleased thank you

princess Alina here are my way years for Zoo go away I am here to rescue you princess the moment Eileen got into the ship

the princess sailed off when the genius and the soldiers came to know they were Furious okay princess come on go near the lake of the spirit of the jungle

I will get you now welcome to my territory Foreign how could you now you must fight me they will take care of you your highness princess Alina

what took you so long huh Eileena oh you are far more beautiful than I had heard I want you to be my wife but I don't wish to man

I'm the one who rescued you from the genius not you your page rescued me from the genius woman how dare you you will marry me because

I say so women do as men say you have no right to force her to marry you even if you had rescued her she is not your slave just because you are a man I will teach you some manners set all of these Pages free princess Eileen will be sent back home

respectfully and finally my father deserves to be the emperor not you and thus the princess was reunited with her father and in this Empire. no woman was ever treated as second to man ever again thank you.

The End 

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