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Horror story in English - Horror Story for Kids

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Horror Story

Horror Story in English

Highway we should always help others but we must also keep in mind that the person you are helping does he really need help or does he have some plans on the pretext of helping so that your life gets in danger,

Oh, man it was really fun at the party today that's obvious because my friend threw the body we were very late that night but we were used to all these things we were just returning home when we saw

that the road ahead was closed I told Ajay to go to my friend's house but he didn't listen to me he turned the car towards the forest in order to take a shortcut and we moved ahead from the dance trees and bushes after crossing the forest we saw a highway with a broken boat I could only read the words written on the end of the

board which read save uh Ajay I think this Hive is not safe see that board there you don't take much tension everything is fine here even though Ajay avoided the matter with a laugh

I was feeling very scared from inside I was thinking of all this when we saw a boy on the highway whose age was around 25. his clothes were very dirty he signaled us with his hands to stop

I thought Ajay would stop the car for him but on the contrary Aji did not stop the car ajeb what have you done didn't you see that boy

hey Priya you don't know they asked for help but they have other intentions I was quite surprised to hear what Ajay was saying how can someone be so harsh but I didn't listen to Ajay and forcefully asked him

to help that boy somehow Ajay agreed and taking the car behind he stopped the car near that boy the name of that boy was nitesh he told us that he used to be on a late night shift and that night he was returning from his bike when some goon

snatched everything from him he asked us to drop him at his house to which Aji said we have you help him then we might please forgive me for the trouble caused

to you uh um no no nitish there is no such thing Ajay is just saying that we will also be happy to help you don't know why

at that time I felt that something terrible was going to happen but I thought about what could happen after all we are only helping someone so I stopped thinking about all these things

and asked nitesh to sit at the back aju was very angry due to which he started driving very fast Ajay was like that only he used to get angry quickly over small things

after a while I felt a cold wind blowing from behind I checked the AC of the car but it was off how is this possible um Ajay I think the AC of this car is

not working properly Ajay was mad at that is why he didn't reply to me I looked back at nitesh and asked him if he was all right he said he is okay

but just then I saw a creepy tattoo on his hand seeing it I got so scared I also felt that Ajay was right I was about to tell Ajay all this but just then suddenly our car broke down Priya all this is happening because of you

I just started all these things you should go and find some help immediately Ajay veins his anger on nitesh and asked him to go along with

him to find help I didn't like all this at all they both got out of the car and went too far for helpI started waiting for both of them to come back it was too late

but they didn't return after some time I heard a sound as if something had fallen on the car I got very scared with this I heard a very weird sound as if an animal eats its prey by scratching

it I immediately tried hard to get out of the car but the door of the car was jammed after I pushed hard the door finally opened when I came out I saw

something and I skipped my heartbeat AJ's corpse was on the roof of the car who was very brutally killed I had no idea what to do now I started looking around like a madman for help but there was no one

then I saw the shadow of a man near a tree
please help meI went towards that shadow and saw that it was none other than nitesh I was relieved to see him

I told him everything and asked him to come with me but he refused me with this he started laughing out loud he's already killed now it's your turn I

could not understand anything that was happening after all but I was going toget answer to all these question in no time I saw that the tattoo made on

nitesh's hand started glowing and within a moment nitesh turned into a terrible creature and slowly started moving towards me look whoever you are please leave me

what is wrong with you?

on insisting a lot he told me that he often fools people and eats them by killing them it was he who killed Ajay hearing all this I totally lost my mind I immediately ran towards the car

after reaching there I saw that ajay's body was missing from the roof of the car I was looking for him when I heard nitish voice from behind I had no idea what I should do now I immediately sat

in the car and saw that creature coming from the front but I had also thought that now I will take revenge for ajay's death from him

Ajay this is only for you I sat in the car and after trying two three times the car started
and I started driving directly towards the creature I knew that what I was doing could put my life in danger but 

I had also thought that by ending this creature now I will not let this happen to anyone else in the future I hate the creature with the car but I was surprised to see the car went across his body I tried to crush him several times

but I didn't succeed you can't harm me with all these things I was hopeless at that time and I had no idea at that time how to face him then

finally I decided something and then I increased the speed of the car and left the creature behind me and left from there with tears in my eyes but after

that day I had thought that I would not let anyone fall into the Trap of that creature so after that day I put a big warning board on the highway so that no

one else can fall prey to that creature like Aji and nitesh.

The end 

Horror Story in Urdu, Horror Story cartoon, Horror Story movie, New Horror Story,
Horror story writing, Horror Story video,

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