James Derulo's


Stories in English for Students/Kids/Adults and Moral stories in English

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Princess story in English writing 2023

Short story in English for Kids
The Beautiful Princess Long Story in English 

The girls and the Puma deep within a lush dense forest nestled a picturesque Village that had been home to the revered OHA tribe for Generations

oh we're a month away no silly it's today let's go up the hill though hot tribes were a peaceful community known for their farming expertise in Rich culture their lands yielded Bountiful fruits and vegetables renowned around the world

however their peaceful existence was threatened as foreign Invaders arrived seeking to exploit their lands and resources
faced challenges as the tribe's way of life
hung in the balance

now amongst the OHA community there lived a girl named yerry despite the challenges faced by her community remained undeterred she was known for her adventurous spirit and friendly nature

spending most of her time exploring the woods squirrel I made some nutritious food for your little children he'll grow up well no don't thank me my grandma taught me this recipe once when Yuri was returning home from playing

she found a girl who was crying what's the matter with you love no you didn't you're almost there come with me I I'm so scared don't be scared when neary's here let's go

yerry and Clara got out of the woods in no time yerry nursed Clara's wound well and
Clara felt better instantly thank you for taking care of me what's your name I'm Yuri you my name's Clara would you like to be my friend and play with me

sure let's meet right here tomorrow as she got home she saw her mother angrily waiting for her help you oh remove it at once but mother are you feeling better quiet and freshenup

well that surely didn't affect the next day's meet as Clara made it first are we oh here now let's go Yuri and Clara were having a wonderful time they played with the squirrels the deer and the birds

Clara was surprised over how yerry communicated with the animals like snow what's that suddenly it started to rain hurry up let's find a shelter look there's a cave right there Gary and Clara went to the caves and sat there watching The Raindrops

wow you are so kind I thought villagers were scary intimidating and I heard it all from you foreigners oh you're mean you gotta reconsider what you said did you just scur at me

whoa that wasn't you Yuri and Clara turned to see something they didn't expect Clara was shaking while yerry stood cold they saw dangerous eyes in the dark not one two but three pairs of eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yuri

did you used to see what what I am seeing yes Yuri took a step towards those eyes II think you're you're mistaken the the exit is this way before Yuri took another step one of them pounced at her to her surprise it was a cub

Mr oh pups no they eat of course they do they could eat us when they grow older they want to attack us for now what's that that's a large large Puma Clara

you're really making me laugh it's over this is how it ends hey if this Puma had to eat us we would have been there dinner the moment we got here I'm sure she's not okay

oh Gary reached out to the Puma she needs medicines my uncle is here he is an expert doctor I just got some of the herbs I will smash them and feed it to her

Yuri smashed the herb she got then gave it to the Puma by then the rain had stopped and they decided to get home we're lucky you weren't the Puma's meal though anyway let's meet here again 

tomorrow onwards to keep a check on the Puma and her kids I'll get some food for the babies and just like that Yuri and Claire went to the cave and took care of the Puma and their children

they developed a deep bond with them and Claire learned a lot from yerry too how did you learn all these methods

we never learned we are a tribe know our surroundings really well Pumas deer and these trees they're all part of us wow that's wonderful Clara learned a lot about the auha culture and their way of living it fascinated her

Clara and yerry respected each other and became best friends let me prepare the medicines ooh guess who learned the uh ways hahaha

the next day when Clara was away something unfortunate happened did you see Claire around I told her to be here by lunch no

these villagers took my Clara away from me just then Clara's father came what's the matter they took our clearer away what the foreigners searched all alha's homes for Clara this infuriated the villagers

how dare you enter our homes without our permission first of all this is not your home anymore second you took our daughter to

protest that's ridiculous

she is a child she must be wandering in the woods our daughter is too soon to civilized to dilly dally in a forest  we don't have your child you do you took away my child enough we cannot bear with your nonsense

the foreigners and the tribes began to fight

give me back my daughter I told you she

 is not with us

Yuri and Clara had come back they witnessed this horrific quarrel Yuri was overwhelmed and couldn't hold back her tears

Yuri Yuri got so upset that she ran back to the cave I've never seen my home go through so much even my grandparents told me that our village was one of the most peaceful places look at it now Yuri

it took thousands of years for it I was to build this place in just one day change everything while they spoke the Puma sat there and heard the situation

pranced out of the cave in Rage and moved towards the village no don't go there Puma leapt into the chaos and roared loudly the crowd was astounded but the foreigners charged at her in fear just then stop don't lay a finger on our animals

she's right Clara what were you doing in the woods no what are we doing here in this Village ruining the community that has lived on this land since forever for our


my cherry please stay away from the Puma my friend father so is Yuri yes I did and guess what they're kind unlike what I was told they're not greedy like us and they're well wishers despite what we've done to them we cannot destroy

their lands just for some money mother because I know that if the land turns infertile we'll leave it Barren and forget everything we did no Clara we're doing this to safeguard your future

you're destroying a peaceful Village just to protect me I'm not naive to believe you anymore I know what we've done earlier and it just started to make more sense here

do you like it if someone broke your ancestral house one day and then claimed it theirs hmm no that's exactly what we're doing we're taking someone's home now you tell me

who's the bad person here there was absolute silence but the Foreigner men dropped their weapons I've got this my friend Yuri and I took care of the Puma and into the waist he healed heal her that

we can't even fathom they're doing it out of love and us we're doing it for greed I'm sorry but I stand by Claire's words me too

soon all the Foreigner men dropped their weapons and kneeled down as a single of surrender are you doing she's right honey we've been very cruel

I'm so sorry to have disappointed you Clara I was too blinded by the prophets this land brought us you shouldn't be sorry to me father it's

the aoi tribe you need to apologize to okay then it's time we apologize to the villagers who we've given so much painwe are so sorry for doing this

we'll leave you'll live in harmony and that's how the auha tribe and the foreigners made peace soon it was time for them to leave their friendship between the two

communities had grown stronger in those couple of weeks so it was quite a painful goodbye thank you for everything Clara thank you too Yuri I'm sorry to have called you names

Yuri I don't mean it not anymore at least don't bother Miss I'll make sure to get her every year to meet you really yay and as promised she brought Claire there  every year

and the girls met and played together The auhas Village was back to how it was and for puma and her children

they visited the village every now and then upon yerry's request the villagers made them a beautiful home to stay in 

Welcome to our village dear Pumas let me escort you to your five-star hotel room the villagers took care of them very well and fed them delicious food the

Pumas lived harmoniously with them and happily ever after

The End 

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