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Kids Story in English - Story for kids to read - Bedtime Stories for kids

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 Story in English for Kids 

Story in English

kids monsoons had started and now the rain wasn't stopping G and Mommy were watching the rain from their balcony mommy it looks so beautiful when

it is raining I want to play and have fun in this rain you stole my words kuu I was also thinking the same I want to play in the rain too and have a lot offun no kids the weather is changing and

if you play in this rain and get wet then you might get cold and cuff and feverish too many people are getting sick with cold now a days now you can also

mommy please please we will play only for 10 minutes please yes Mommy we will play only for 10 minutes and then come back we won't catch cold just by getting wet for a few minutes

gatu even getting wet for 1 minute is enough to catch a cold listen to me don't be stubborn mommy tried to make gatu chinki understand the reason

but they were not listening they somehow convinced their mother and went to play
in the rain Jinky I am feeling a little bit cold now me too kuu I am also feeling a bit cold now oh dear do you think we have caught a cold old please don't say

that K Mommy will scold us a lot what should we do now Mommy will definitely find out that we have got cuff and cold both of them were whispering to each other when Mommy came over there what happened KATU chinki why are you guys 

Whispering oh oh uh nothing Mommy it's nothing due to cuff and cold gut's throat was sore and his voice sounded grogged as as soon as he spoke to mommy

she understood that he had got cold see I told you not to play in the rain didn't I and now you have got the cold what are you guys going to do now sorry Mommy we made a really big

mistake yes Mommy we should have listened to you due to our stubbornness we have fallen sick yes KATU we will not be able to attend school tomorrow and tomorrow we have an important maths

lecture we will miss it we are going to lose a precious time for the sake of a few minutes of fun come on dear don't stress yourself too much I will help you

I know that you have made a mistake but now you have to promise me to always listen to me then I will tell you a cure to this cuff and cold promise Mommy Mommy now please tell us quickly what should we do to fight this cold and get

better yes Mommy please tell us quickly I'm very stressed due to this kids I will prepare a special decotion for you after drinking it you will start feeling a lot better by the morning itself

really mommy is there a special decoction for cold yes Tinky Mommy can make anything possible gutu and felt relieved after hearing mommy's words all right mommy what are we

waiting for please prepare your special decoction for us and again sorry Mommy we will never insist on playing in the rain it's all right gatu chinki I'm

happy that you realized your mistake now please wait for 10 minutes I will prepare special decoction for you both saying this mommy went into the kitchen

and started preparing her special decoction after a few minutes the aroma of decoction started coming then Mommy gave that decoction to gutu and see kids this decoction is a bit bitter

but it will cure your cold and cuff very soon gutu were a little scared at first but then they gathered some courage and drank the decoction this doesn't taste good at all Mommy uh but I finished everything because I want to cure my cold and get

well yes Mommy I also finished my portion completely very good dear now you will be perfectly healthy but tomorrow morning you don't have to worry at all now go to sleep even though Mommy assured them

that they would be fine gatu and chinki were still stressed that they might miss the school they were chatting till late in the night Jinky what do you think

will we get better by tomorrow morning I don't know gatu but I trust mommy's word if she had said that we would be fit and fine after drinking her special decoction then we would get better okay

okay let's wait and see the magic of Mommy's decoction then they went to sleep in the morning Mommy woke them up G Jinky wake up come here let me see how you're

feeling now Mommy checked them one by one and then sighed in relief how both of you are feeling now Mommy I'm feeling very much better than last night I also feel that my health is perfectly fine

now now we can go to school without any problem wow mommy your magical decoction
really worked our Colden C were cured in
just one night yes dear mommies are an expert

magician when it comes to her kids now go and get ready for your school quicklynow you can attend your important maths class okay okay Mommy.

The end 

Moral Stories in English for Kids, short stories for.kids pdf, English story reading, Short story in English with moral, English short Story for Kids, 10 lines Short Stories with moral

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