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Princess stories to read online - The Beautiful Princess Short New Story 2023

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 The Beautiful Princess and Prince story in Eng

Story in English

Foreign hours before the full moon that day which Rosa excited excite the wish necklace in her hand she stood by the window and looked up at the,

sky because only a few hours later she was going to be able to make her wish when the full moon comes tonight I will be the most powerful witch in the whole country,

meanwhile the Beloved princess of the country Beauty and Prince Richard set off on a dangerous Journey with their horses to take back the magic necklace,

must hurry princess we must reach the castle before the full moon as Beauty and Prince Richard walked through the Dark Forest a white fog,

covered the entire Forest because of thefog neither the prince nor Beauty could see around the horse they were riding turned off,

the road and ran into the depths of the forest in a hurry Prince where are we going like this noticeable,

a snake crawled out of the trees when the snake got around the horse's feet the horse reared up in fear so much so that he almost knocked the prince and princess off a horse was not,

prince in the end he threw the prince and princess off his back in one move the horse slammed his Hooves and disappeared into the fog Prince Richard,

and Beauty stared after their horses they couldn't continue on their way when the Dark Forest was in the fog in that state we'll never find Rosa's Castle my prince,

what are we going to do?

however time was running fast the full moon was almost complete through the fog soon the bushes beside them began to wrestle hey who's there you can't scare us Beauty noticed a fluffy black and white tail close by just as she was about to reach out and touch her hand a skunk jumped on her,

don't touch my tail tell me what are you looking for in this Dark Forest a skunk no we have to stuff our noses why not why not I only admit a foul odor to the wicked,

Prince Richard and Beauty breathed a sigh of relief dear skunk we have to go to the Palace where the witch Rosa lives but we lost our way because of the fog can you help us?

the skunk began to tremble with fear as he heard the name of the witch Rosa he hid in the bushes and stuck his head out curiously oh which Rosa but she's so dangerous,

Beauty and Prince Richard told the skunk what had happened to them and the magic necklace,

so if we can't get there before the full moon which Rosa will be more powerful so the little skunk agreed to help them and even worse gonk found the paths to the castle with,

such exterior followed him in amazement here we are the castle of the witch Rosa I won't go inside but I'll wait for you here,

Beauty and Prince Richard were just about to enter the castle when a white light hit them this was the light of the completed full moon,

full moon at that moment the ugly witch Rosa appeared at the window she lifted her wish necklace towards the,

full moon and imprisoned all the light of the full moon the stars went out one by one and the Moon looked like a rock to them necklace of the full moon I wish you to make me the most powerful and evil witch in the country,

soon as the witch Rosa made her wish the lights trapped in the necklace surrounded her prince who were watching with amazement hid in fear,

Rosa has turned into a much more beautiful and Powerful witch than ever before now her eyes could see more sharply and she could smell better I know you are here but you're late,

before long the witch Rosa wished that beauty and Prince Richard were trapped in the cellar both of them disappeared with a bang in their hiding place the skunk was surprised by what happened oops I'd better help them,

he quickly dug a hole on the edge of the castle gradually he suddenly found himself in the Hall of the witch Rosa,

ah it smells worse than me in here the little skunk saw the necklace they were talking about on the table he was about to take the necklace but then the,

witch Rosa noticed him what are you doing in my castle you filthy thing get out of here right now out out at that moment the skunk quickly stamped his,

feet then the famous bad smell of the skunk was all over the place what a disgusting smell just as the witch Rosa was about to catch him she passed out under the influence of the smell,

taking this opportunity the skunk took the necklace and went down to The Cellar of the castle skunk with his tiny body the skunk passed through the bars and handed,

the wish necklace to Beauty and Prince Richard were delighted by the skunks bold move Beauty immediately put the necklace

around her neck and listed her wishes I wish all three of us would get out of,

and the witch Rosa um ah should turn into a mouse dear wish necklace as soon as she made her wish they found themselves safely in the palace,

dear skunk we would never have survived without you do you want to live with us in this great palace as our best friend from now on the skunk enthusiastically accepted this offer of beauty,

because For the First Time in his life he felt that helping each other and having a warm home was a good feeling on the other hand Rosa the witch who had,

turned into a mouse seemed to go crazy the moment she saw herself in the mirror wow what's that?


unaware of everything her sluggish cat Mirror Mirror has been running after the mouse all night I am your owner I mean I'm your best friend of course let me go Mirror Mirror please, this is.


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