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Best Adventure Short Stories 2023 - Story Adventure in English

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 Adventure Trip to Paris city

Story in English

Guess what guys we're going to Paris for a summer holiday really that's amazing I can't wait to see all the famous monuments and buildings Paris sounds incredible I've always wanted to see the

Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum I've heard it's filled with fascinating art well pack your bags everyone a Parisian Adventure awaits 

all right buckle up boys we're ready to oh my God I am so scared of heights yippee we're up in the air I already feel so bored on the flight dear what should I do well I've got some music downloaded on my iPod you can have it if you want I even have some activity books and story books to read if anyone wants

can I have the activity book and story books sure Jack here it is good evening ladies and gentlemen we are flying over Paris now you can look down for a beautiful view of the city we will be landing in the next 30 minutes good day look Tia we're flying over Paris it

looks so beautiful from up here yes tofu it does look incredible get ready for an unforgettable experience

boys here is our luggage here we go that's my bag and here is mine here we are Paris ready to rock the city here we are boys our first stop

wow look at the Eiffel Tower it's even more magnificent than I imagined I can't believe they're actually here this is a dream come true

that is true absolutely amazing look there is a candy shop let's buy some candies as we go around that would be great good luck look boys we can rent bikes for our next stop shall we

where are we going next let's go to the Louvre Museum I want to see the Mona Lisa

absolutely tofu the Louvre is a treasure of art prepare to be amazed ah I'll take the blue bike the red yay there's a yellow bike too guys let's go ride safe everyone follow me

look the red light looks like a great Paris fashion show yes that's true people in Paris dress amazingly I really like his boots look okay everyone it's green light let's go oh I see the museum we're almost there

look guys there it is the Mona Lisa it's smaller than I expected but it's so captivating this artwork tells a story I love how art can speak to our hearts the attention to detail is incredible artists are truly talented wish I could be an artist too someday

wow the art here is incredible isn't it I am in absolute awe that's true Tia the museum was amazing that's true I see a restaurant across the street and I am already so hungry come on then let's calm down the

monsters growling in our bellies let's go and get something to eat yay let's go I am starving yes let's go I want to try croissants and baguettes is amazing too ah what's that oh it's a famous Parisian ham sandwich wow sounds

delicious, so what's our next stop?

look at you tofu you look like a hungry baby oh tofu you look so funny you've got chocolate all over your mouth you guys are evil

I am so embarrassed well these are the good memories that we carry with us throughout our lives the time spent with our friends and family is a precious treasure that is true thanks for this amazing trip Tia you're most welcome boys so where are we going next

our next stop is Notre Dame Cathedral it's stunning architecture is a must-have it's like a castle from a fairy tale let's take a moment to appreciate the history and craftsmanship that went into building this masterpiece thank you Tia for bringing us on this incredible

Adventure I'm having The Best Time Ever you're all welcome I'm glad we can share these wonderful moments together come on let's take a picture before we go to the next city what the next city a surprise yes it's a surprise come on now let's take a picture, foreign

The End

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